3D Wayfinder had guests from Tartu Art school

October 2, 2017

Our office was really crowded last week when we had visitors from Tartu Art School: more than 20 people who have just started their studies to become 3D modellers.




Tartu Art School is the only school in Estonia that teaches 3D modelling and visualization as a vocation. As a part of their curriculum the students visit different companies to see how their skills could be used in the future.

Since 3D models have such a big part in our work, it is also important for us to introduce our company to potential future employees or users of our app.


photo_2017-10-02_11-59-01 visitors


So we talked about what we do and how we do it and how students could use our product. 3D Wayfinder is currently used for mostly way-finding applications, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be used in variety of cases. It’s also perfect for presenting architectural models or – why not – make a virtual art gallery.

It is interesting and useful for us to see what kind of applications the students can find for 3D Wayfinder, so we can make it more flexible and beneficial for a wider range of customers.

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