WebGL fixed in Firefox 36
March 11, 2015

With Firefox 36.0.1 WebGL is working again. In Firefox 35.0.1 (released January 26)  support for the EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension was added, but at the same time something with additively blending on floating point textures had stopped working, [...]

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How to export and import location data to 3D Wayfinder
March 10, 2015

We have added import and export functionality to 3D Wayfinder. Users can manage location data in any spreadsheet software and then easily import all locations, with descriptions, groups and tags to 3D Wayfinder content management system. Import and e [...]

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3D Wayfinder @ ISE 2015
February 17, 2015

Last week we were participating at Integrated Systems Europe trade fair in Amsterdam. Our wayfinding software could be seen on Famasete Wingsys kiosks and also in ONELAN booth. Lots of halls, people and digital screens. This was a kind of event where [...]

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Wayfinding vs Digital Building Directory
February 6, 2015

When we talk about wayfinding, we don't just mean a building directory combined with a map. Modern wayfinding actually includes also calculating the shortest route and displaying it visually. The following small demo with a maze will demonstrate 3D W [...]

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Create Wayfinding with just 2D floor-plan images
February 5, 2015

We have updated our CMS to upload simple 2D images as wayfinding maps. To use your existing drawings, just upload the image files under Floors page. If you have PDF-files You have to convert these into images (PNG, JPEG). We recommend to use at least [...]

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WebGL broken in Firefox 35.0.1 for Windows
February 3, 2015

Firefox 35.0.1 (released January 26) doesn't handle order independent transparency. Firefox has added support for the EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension, but at the same time something with additively blending on floating point textures has stopped wor [...]

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Visit us at ISE2015
February 2, 2015

We are participating at Integrated Systems Europe 2015 in Amsterdam 10.02-12.02. This year we are showing wayfinding solution with our Portugal partner Famasete. Famasete is a manufacturer of multitouch interactive tables and multimedia kiosks with [...]

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Add-ons for 3D Wayfinder
January 21, 2015

You can order several add-ons for 3D Wayfinder, to get expanded functionality for managing and presenting 3D floor plans. At the moment there are following additional modules available: 1) Statistics - for tracking application usage by time, locati [...]

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Towards the DIY 3D floor plans
January 6, 2015

We are developing additional editing features to 3D Wayfinder Editor which will add possibilities to create and edit 3D floor plans right inside your browser. At the moment you have to create 3D floor-plan models in third party software and upload t [...]

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Holiday Greetings from 3D Wayfinder Team
December 23, 2014

We wish you Peaceful Xmas and happy successful new year! We have a small gift to You also: with any 3D floor plan You'll get 6 months of 3D Wayfinder Lite for free. This can help you demo your wayfinding solution, show the new apartment building or s [...]

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