Category: Advertising

Exclusive buildings need premium Wayfinder solutions
October 31, 2022

In the previous post, we introduced different styles of modeling and designing 3D Wayfinder maps. It is clear that exclusive buildings need a premium wayfinder solutions. In today's post, we will talk about exclusive premium wayfinding solutions and [...]

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Different options for designing 3D map
October 21, 2022

In this post, we will introduce different options for designing 3D map. A map mostly serves the task of guiding people, but there are many different ways to design a map. When designing a map, a lot depends on what the map is designed for, which peo [...]

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Earn revenue with wayfinding
October 11, 2022

Helping visitors doesn’t have to be just a cost. It is possible to earn revenue with 3D Wayfinder software and you might be surprised how profitable it actually is. It is like getting 200 m2 rental space with minimal investment. Below we present i [...]

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Advertising with wayfinding just got better
September 14, 2022

We have done many improvements in 3D Wayfinder Advertisement module. Many updates have been added to improve usability and functionality of managing advertisements in wayfinding software. Below you can read what options we have added to our ad [...]

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