Category: Enterprise license

Licensing options for wayfinding software
October 1, 2022

3D Wayfinder wayfinding software can be purchased in different ways. In this post we will give a short overview of possible licensing options. Choosing suitable licensing type depends on your (or your customer) needs, but we will certainly be able t [...]

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White label wayfinding software is it for you?
December 1, 2021

3D Wayfinder R&D AS has much to offer. For instance, let´s talk about our white label wayfinding software. Developing your own platform is costly, long and time-consuming process. But you don´t have to develop your own wayfinding system. You c [...]

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3D Wayfinding solution for airports
March 13, 2019

Airports are often places that many people do not visit very often and therefore they can be difficult to navigate. Finding the right gate in the right terminal is something that can cause a lot of stress under the time pressure and unknown venue. L [...]

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