Category: Wayfinder

Different options for designing 3D map
October 21, 2022

In this post, we will introduce different options for designing 3D map. A map mostly serves the task of guiding people, but there are many different ways to design a map. When designing a map, a lot depends on what the map is designed for, which peo [...]

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Licensing options for wayfinding software
October 1, 2022

3D Wayfinder wayfinding software can be purchased in different ways. In this post we will give a short overview of possible licensing options. Choosing suitable licensing type depends on your (or your customer) needs, but we will certainly be able t [...]

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Back to school with wayfinder
September 22, 2022

More and more schools are using wayfinder kiosks. Besides building plans and directories, touch screens are useful for providing information and promoting upcoming events. They are a good way to show lesson plans, contact data and transportation sch [...]

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Advertising with wayfinding just got better
September 14, 2022

We have done many improvements in 3D Wayfinder Advertisement module. Many updates have been added to improve usability and functionality of managing advertisements in wayfinding software. Below you can read what options we have added to our ad [...]

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Blender Modeling Tutorial
May 28, 2022

How are 3D map models made in Blender? Here is a step by step look. You find detailed blender modeling tutorial with videos and specific guidelines. BLENDER MODELING TUTORIAL GENERAL GUIDELINES Maintain a clean quad topology and keep poly [...]

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