Category: System administration

We are doing server maintenance
August 17, 2017

There might be problems with 3D Wayfinder application today, as we are moving application server to another data center. Thanks to growing number of users, we need more storage place. So we are moving 3D Wayfinder application to another data center, [...]

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New Administration panel available for testing
January 24, 2017

3D Wayfinder new adminisration panel is now publicly available for testing. It contains already most of the functionality and is optimized for mobile devices. New administration panel is accessible for public use now. It can be opened here: http:// [...]

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How to create a multilingual wayfinding application
October 20, 2016

3D Wayfinder supports multilingual content. Follow these simple steps to make your wayfinding application support multiple languages. To make your wayfinding application multilingual You have to add the desired languages into your wayfinding project [...]

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Exporting 3D models from 3ds MAX
February 5, 2016

3ds Max models cannot be used directly in 3D Wayfinder, as .max format is closed file format and our importer doesn't support it. But exporting 3D models from Max is not complicated. 3D Wayfinder supports following formats for 3D models: .fbx, .dae, [...]

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3D Technologies R&D has launched 3D floor plan application development kit
April 4, 2014

We are pleased to announce that 3D Technologies R&D has launched a service for software developers to visualize and interact with 3D floor plans. For example users can create Wayfinding, Smart House and Architecture visualization solutions. Using [...]

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Merry christmas and a happy new year
December 19, 2013

The whole team of 3D Technologies R&D wishes You a merry christmas and a happy new year. We will put additional effort into developing the software. All for better service and satisfaction for a user. Just last year we could read that WebGL [...]

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How to secure Internet Explorer for touch-screen kiosk use?
August 7, 2013

This tutorial is intended for Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9 or newer. These steps will ensure that Your kiosk self-service web application will work and look always the same and users can't do anything else than the applications intention. Be awa [...]

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