Merry christmas and a happy new year

December 19, 2013


The whole team of 3D Technologies R&D wishes You a merry christmas and a happy new year.

We will put additional effort into developing the software. All for better service and satisfaction for a user.

Just last year we could read that WebGL and HTML5 are not very well supported on mobile devices and have a long way to go. First tests showed that with a low polygon cont it was still lagging and mobile devices crashed often. Now things have changed and there has been a great leap forward – WebGL has started to mature and stabilize.

The mobile Internet speed is increasing every year and application downloading time is shortening. Telecommunications company EE announced recently that it has switched on the world’s fastest 4G network in East London which is capable of reaching speeds of up to 300Mbps. The fast mobile internet connection allows to download and use applications or online services faster and more conveniently.

Devices are becoming more and more powerful – each year more improved and advanced mobile processors roll out. For example MediaTek recently announced the MT6592, a mobile processor that includes eight cores with each capable of running at speeds up to 2GHz. It is the world’s first heterogeneous computing System on a Chip with scalable eight-core processing for superior multi-tasking. Fully functional WebGL on mobile devices is already here and we think that in few years or even less it will reach wider audiences. A prerequisite for this is of course technology’s lower prices and the increase of mobile internet speed.Here is the screenshot of the very first test of 3D Wayfinder WebGL on mobile device (Nexus 5):

If you want to be sure that your mobile device browser support WebGL then just click here. You can also check this summary table where is detailed data almost every desktop and mobile browser WebGL support.

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