Why consider mobile indoor wayfinding?

November 19, 2013

According to Google, self-service is becoming the new norm – 1 in 3 shoppers use their smartphones to find information instead of asking the store employees. 74% of adult smartphone owners aged 18 and older say that they use their phones to get directions or other information based on their current location. (Source: Pew Internet)

Way finding outdoors is easy, because there are so many different navigation softwares guided by the GPS. But people also need an indoor wayfinding solution because buildings nowadays have become very complicated. There is a great need for a simple indoor wayfinding solution for mobile devices. Therefore we offer 3D Wayfinder mobile app for Android and iOS. Soon it will be available on Windows Phone as well. It helps people to navigate indoors and get the latest deals. It is a tool for retailers to advertise their brand or product on the map. The solution has many benefits:


  • Instant updates – building owners can provide the latest maps and directions for the audience using Content Management System;

  • Additional services – integration with social media channels or other solutions;

  • Happy customers – personal wayfinding system and instant directions for everyone;

  • Powerful e-commerce tool – tenants can promote their shops and products.



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