New free plan for 3D Wayfinder

June 10, 2016

To start the summer on a positive and even more client-friendly note, we have decided to enable our customers to use our software free of charge with our new pricing plan.

We created this new option so more people could access the 3D Wayfinder and will be able to use it without charge for smaller projects. Our new free plan is great for creating and exhibiting 3D models and for smaller wayfinding projects. You will be able to do everything yourself and get to know the software. The purpose of this plan is to make our software easier to access for the benefit of our clients. The plan allows you to create one project in our system and start developing your own model and pathing.

Signing up with the free account will allow you to upload any 3D model into our system, manually create pathfinding for you building as you like and much more. We have also updated our other pricing plans to give our customers better deals and more projects they can work on with 3D Wayfinder.

The free version of 3D Wayfinder as all the other versions comes with a demo model that enables you to look around and make changes to see how it works. Soon we will add more demo models of different types of buildings to suit our client’s needs. All you have to do is register your free user and start exploring the options we have designed for you.

You can check out our new plan here :

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