New responsive template for 3D Wayfinder

March 7, 2017

New template is now available for all 3D Wayfinder users. Template called “Iglu” is responsive HTML5 based template for 3D Wayfinder with clean and modern design. It is open-source and uses our newest AngularJS framework based template.

There is a new default template for all 3D Wayfinder projects and it’s called Iglu. Currently this template can only be used to view 3D projects, but rest assured we’re working on the 2D version as well. The 2D template will have exact same layout and styles as the 3D version. The main feature of this new template is the use of AngularJS, but in addition to this there is one more major feature being added and it is responsiveness. This means that it can be viewed in both portrait and landscape mode and it will look good on all ranges and sizes of displays, be it a 55” kiosk screen or a 5” smartphone with WebGL support.


The template has three main sections which are the header, the map and the menu. The header has the building logo and button for activating the navigation menu. Below the header is the map that has map controls on it: floor buttons, zoom buttons, shortcut buttons.



When the navigation menu is activated it will cover the right side of the map on larger screens and the whole map area on smaller screens. Currently the navigation menu has three tabs – the alphabetical listing, the category listing and search.


Our new template covers all main features, needed for wayfinding:

  • Map navigation controls
  • A-Z list of all locations
  • Categories
  • Location info
  • Search


Although the template suites very well for wayfinding kiosks and mobile applications, it is also good for just showing and browsing 3D architectural models.

Here can You view a demo project based on the new template:

The Iglu template is based on our 3DWayfinderNGTemplate and it is open source (Github: The template uses 3DWayfinders AngularJS service – 3DWayfinderAngular (Github: – to communicate with our JavaScript Wayfinder API, so 3D Wayfinder functionality is easy to use in all AngularJS projects. The Iglu template is a clean and nice example of using AngularJS with 3D Wayfinder.

Our old default template called “default” is still available. It can be selected from menu or used direclty in wayfinder project URL:
Template was made in co-operation with our development partner Iglu. Iglu is a young and innovative custom software building company in Estonia. Iglu’s core-competences are UX and modern front-end development.

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