New wayfinding directory for Lõunakeskus

June 6, 2017

Lõunakeskus, one of the largest shopping centers in Estonia, has undergone a large scale upgrade.  It is now larger, freshly modernized and it uses large wayfinding kiosks with clean user interface and integrated location data.

Lõunakeskus is the largest shopping center in southern Estonia and one of the largest shopping centers in Estonia. After the upgrade the size of the main building is now 72 000 square-meters. There is now a cinema, a hotel and around 30 new shops and diners.

custom wayfinding kiosk front panel

There are 5 large 55-inch custom kiosks for the wayfinding application. Kiosks are landscape and set up with an angle that is easy for the client to use. Previously Lõunakeskus  also used printed directories near the information kiosks, but now the wayfinding kiosks are the only source of directory.

wayfinder kiosk near digital signage display

The wayfinding applications user interface is designed in a really “clean” way. There is 2D map with the directory menu. It is also possible to choose between 4 languages, zoom and move the map, change floors, see the You-are-here spot etc. Larger tenants also have logos on the map, which makes it easier for the customer to navigate and find the desired location.

wayfinding kiosk being used in Estonian largest shopping mall

Data for the wayfinding directory comes from the shopping centers own CMS, that is being used for their website. The data is provided to 3D Wayfinder application in XML-format and it contains all locations and location groups. All the location groups are generated dynamically upon loading the application and locations are added to the location groups along with their descriptions, names and links to images. On the map there are predefined overlay areas, each of which are linked to a POI in our system, a POI that has only the “room_id” attribute set and the “room_id” is unique for each POI. In this case we are using the “room_id” attribute for highlighting locations on the map.

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