Wayfinding software full specification published

December 5, 2016

We have published full feature list of 3D Wayfinder wayfinding software. This covers the important features for wayfinding and building directory administration.

3D Wayfinding has a lot of functionality and features, that might be not visible with first test use. For making the selection of wayfinding application easier and giving , we have published full specification sheet also in 3D Wayfinder webpage.

Feature list is structured by following listing:

  1. User interface
  2. Wayfinding
  3. Searching and directory browsing
  4. Offline use
  5. Mobile application
  6. Positioning
  7. Floorplan administration
  8. Advertisments
  9. Statistics
  10. Integration and API
  11. Floor plan models


Please find the full feature list here.

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